What is EFT?

woman with hands on the two collarbone EFT points

EFT is an evidence-based stress-reduction tool which can be used in therapy or as a self-help practice, to help people change the way they think, feel and behave. 

EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques. It is often referred to as “tapping” because in EFT we tap on acupressure points on the face and upper body to help our body gently release stress. 

EFT is a somatic (body-based) tool which includes elements of widely accepted traditional forms of therapy in the following ways:


We focus on a negative event, and the thoughts, emotions or sensations that event brings up in the session.


We include what our thoughts and feelings are about the event in the words we use for the set-up statement. 


We are continually focused on what is present now, bringing ourselves and our clients safely back to the present moment.

These elements are combined in the form of EFT we use the most, called “The Basic Recipe”:

“Even though I feel upset, thinking about what my sister said in that message, and I feel it in my heart, I accept this is how I am feeling”.

The somatic element is the game changer – we include the body by asking where we are feeling the negative thought, emotion or sensation in the body now. And we tap on the body, focusing on a set of identified acupressure points on the face and upper body whilst we are doing EFT. 

By doing all of these things at the same time, we have access to the entire body-mind system.

As a result, we can help the person to release old thoughts, feelings and behaviours which are no longer working for them. As well as helping the body let out whatever little bits of trapped survival stress or trauma it can in that session. This then improves a person’s capacity to deal with stress, and increases their “window of tolerance”. This is how the nervous system can become more regulated through slow, safe and gentle EFT.

Research on EFT

Is EFT Evidence-based?

Dr. Peta Stapleton is a co-author on an article written on this topic.

The article is called “Clinical EFT as an evidence-based practice for the treatment of psychological and physiological conditions: A systematic review”, and you can download it here.

The Science of Tapping Trailer

The Science of Tapping is short documentary film dedicated to demystifying tapping and increasing acceptance of this powerful tool.

You can watch the trailer here.

photo of the cover of EFT international EFT efficacy and scientific research summary 2022

Download this 2022 Research Summary by EFT International.

Click here to download.

The Science behind Tapping

Dr. Peta Stapleton is a leading EFT researcher working in Queensland, Australia. She has achieved something amazing with this book: she presents the clinical research and evidence behind Emotional Freedom Techniques in an easy-to-read and easy to understand manner. She also includes case studies from EFT practitioners (including two from Jules). This book is a must have for anyone interested in learning more about the science behind EFT.

The Science behind Tapping can be purchased here.